N Mr Jack I made this order last year asa a specil request from very nice girl. She really loves emo style, skull, nightmare before xmas, gloomy bear.. So exciting to receive a special request like this.
Frankly, this is not the best figurine we have ever made. But there is a funny story behind this creation that makes it memorable.
Our customer told us that this figurine is for her friend's birthday. She asked me to make a couple. So i asked her to send me the picture. I was expecting to see a grown-up couple, or at least, teenagers. But what she sent me was a picture of kids.
Haha.. I found out that her friend's friend is in a relationship with her childhood friend. So sweet, isn't it. Heehee..
Last year, I went to Gold Coast with my boyfriend, my sister n some friends.
We went on a roadtrip from Melbourne.
On the first night, my boyfriend n i walked along the Surfer Paradise Beach to see a night market. There was this one booth that got my attention. It was the charm bracelets booth. I heart them so much but i took my time and went to other booths. When i made up my mind to finally buy the bracelet, it was closed. Hix..
2 years after, i lived up my dream from that regret and made my own charm bracelet. Enjoy =D