Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Art Swap

Some times ago, I played art swap with Ina from FeatheringaNest.
Inspired by her blog header, i made her this.
I was so happy when she told me that she loved it.
Read the full post here.
And this is her blog header.
 Enjoy =)

F Nemuell with Lovely Teachers

"To teach is to touch a life forever"
O yes it is so true. Some teachers are like stars in our hearts, never fade, always shine.
It is also sometimes so sad to let the teachers that are so dearly in our hearts go.
You, of course don't want to let his/her go without saying goodbye and giving something to be remembered.
Cik Catherine just did a wonderful thing!
She ordered this figurine of her son, Nemuell, and his 2 teacher posing together. 
She ordered 3 exactly the same figurines for each one of them.
Thx Cik Catherine.

Oh c'mon people!
Spread the love!

Mr. P

Boyfriend Trophy

Friendly figurine for ex boyfriend, trophy for the boyfriend.
Hope u like them all Firda!

F Cozy on Couch

This figurine is especially made for Firda. She wanted the figurine to be her n her ex-boyfriend on a couch, in a living room. She wanted this figurine to be lovely, but friendly, meaning not too much love, more to friend. Eeer.. I think i just made it more complicated.
Oh well.. =)

USB Smiling Boy

This USB is especially made for Asri Ainindita. She wanted to see teeth, so here it is.. 
I hope U like it, dear =)